
The Chad Medal is a prestigious medal awarded to the fuckwit of the week. It is named in honour of one of the world's bona fide fuckwits, Chad Cornes. The public are free to nominate anyone they feel is deserving of winning the Chad. Nominations must be submitted by Friday 12pm each week and an esteemed panel of judges decides the winner.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Round 2 Nominees

The SA State Goverment - for planning to sell off SA's forestry rights.Have you halfwits learnt nothing from the vast collection of John Olsen fuckups?

Tony Abbott - for his plan to accrue 2 million dollars for the flood and cyclone reconstruction program through spending cuts. Some plausible ideas, as long as you don't live in Sth Australia.

The Department of Motor Vehicles - for attempting to justify their decision not to take away the drivers license of a one eyed man who drives like Graham Johncock. In the years 2000-2006 Neil Spooner was involved in six crashes, one which resulted in resulted in the death of an innocent motorist. Since that date he has been involved in another six crashes. The department was not even aware of Spooner's driving record until alerted by the deceased's family.

Simone Bienne - British sex and relationship 'expert' who believes that women derive as much pleasure from a meal with the girls as a night of passion with a man. Any bet she's a pig who stuffs her face with ferrero roches whilst watching the view?

The Farmer Wants a Wife - sorry didn't catch the title, was that 'The farmer wants to root something he doesn't have to shear'

Sarah Carter - died from food poisoning after eating toxic seaweed at a northern Thai food market.Rule of thumb - if it's glowing green it ain't fucking clean.

The German bloke who tried to affix a sign to a motorway bridge to mark the 10th anniversary of his relationship but slipped and fell to his death.Red Hot Chili Peppers will be singing 'under the bridge' at the funeral

Mattel - for asking the public to vote on whether Barbie and Ken should reunite after 7 years apart. They're plastic fucken dolls, end of conversation you dickheads.

Grace Guajardo - Chilean woman who phoned in a false bomb threat to Santiago airport to keep her boyfriend ( who looks like a fat,sunburnt Joe Pesci) from flying off to new job as a cruise ship waiter in Madrid.Her excuse was "I'm sorry I did it for love". Prosecutors decided not to invoke anti terrorism laws against her after hearing her story but have charged her under anti taco munching fuckwit laws.

Mark Riley - ch7 gutter journalistic hack who had a crack at Tony Abbott for saying "shit happens" when discussing the situation in Afghanistan where a digger was killed. This fuckwit has tried to sensationalise a comment which was neither making light of the situation nor showing disrespect to the soldier in question.

Matthew Newton - what a fuckwit, Matthew struck again ( not literally this time) this week by breaching an AVO by contacting his ex missus after seeing a picture of her with her new bloke.

Graham Cornes - you can see where Chad gets it from. Cornes snr this week has endeared himself to noone again by claiming that 1) that the 5 SANFL clubs who refused to participate in the sham that is the foxtel cup are cowardly and 2) for having a crack at teams who take on sponsors names for their ovals. Conveniently he seems to think Glenelg 'Gliderol' Oval is ok though. If ever there's been a family that's been a more apt posterchild for condom usage I haven't seen them.

Neil Spooner - the geriatric blind old prick who has had 12 accidents in the last 10 years claims that most of them weren't his fault but that of other motorists. Yeah righto and Mike Rann didn't nail Michelle Chantelois either you piss stained old crone.

Bernard Finnigin - There was a fat cunt called Bernard Finnigin
He had a 15 kilo chinnigin
He collapsed his Senate chair in again
Your ate all the pies Mr. Finnigin

Kevin Foley - knowing he was going to get shitcanned as Deputy Leader of the ALP - which these days is as reputable a title as second mate on the Titanic - Roly Poly did what any good and decent politician would do, he fucked off to the US for 3 weeks on a tax payer funded pissup.He then returned, and after serious consideration ( 15 scotches and a 20yr old blonde) he did the honorable ( hahahahahaha) thing and resigned.

Mike Hussey - for squealing like a pig because the Australian Selectors didn't pick in the World Cup squad despite having a hamstring that looked like shredded ham.You selfish cunt,if you had done the honorable (hahahaha) thing like Roly Poly Foley you would have withdrawn.

5AA - for subjecting the Adelaide sporting public to the dribbling shit that is the skeletor and wowey show. The claim that they're the leading sports show in SA is a crock as they're the only fucking sports show on the radio in primetime. If that's a valid staement then Robert Mugabe would justifiably be able to say he's the best leader Zimbabwe's had in the last 30 years too. Bring back SEN.

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