
The Chad Medal is a prestigious medal awarded to the fuckwit of the week. It is named in honour of one of the world's bona fide fuckwits, Chad Cornes. The public are free to nominate anyone they feel is deserving of winning the Chad. Nominations must be submitted by Friday 12pm each week and an esteemed panel of judges decides the winner.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Summer Series Winner Week 14

No nominees this week, straight to the winner. Both Laurie Holden and The Chad Editor have had a gutful of all these politically correct cunts who try to impose their will through whiny, mis-informed rhetoric dumped upon the masses. Well we've fucken had it. Obviously in this day and age you can't be honest because you might upset someone. Go and get fucked, no cunt will dictate to me what I can and can't say for fear of upsetting someone, I have a basic human right to an opinion, you don't have to like it or agree with it, but I have the right to express it. But that's exactly what these PC fucknuts would like, everyone living in harmony with noone saying naughty things about each other - tralalala. Unfortunately the world doesn't fucken work that way, everyone in the world is prejudiced against someone or something, EVERYONE. That's a fucken fact. So to try and differentiate between one person's right to do or say something over anothers smacks of Big Brother, ever read '1984' cunts? I am not advocating Nazi style chants by any means but the basic freedom for all to voice their opinions, the very freedom you cunts are trying to take away. Yeah everyone has the freedom of speech, as long as you don't say too much. Go fuck yourselves. With this in mind The Chad Editor and Laurie Holden have proposed the creation of a new political party, The Fuck Off Party, led by Kevin Bloody Wilson. It's policies include:

  • Fuck off do-gooders
  • Fuck off corrupt politicians
  • Fuck off gutless judicial systems
  • Fuck off dole bludgers
  • Fuck off political correctness
  • Fuck off immigrants who make no attempt to assimilate into society
  • Fuck off cunts who hide behind/exploit the law to keep them out of jail
  • Fuck off lawyers who try to keep some of the animals they defend from getting their just desserts
  • Fuck off kiddy fiddlers
  • Fuck off people murdering innocent people in the name of religion
  • Fuck off cunts on the road who speed, tailgate and drive off their faces
  • Fuck off officials from sporting organisations who try their utmost to fuck up their code
  • Fuck off deadshits who blame everyone but themselves for them being a fucken dropkick
  • Fuck off all religions who claim to follow their God's will, then go and do the exact opposite or turn the other way when one of their flock commits a heinous crime
  • Fuck off cunts who light fires that kill innocent people
  • Fuck off namby pamby fiddle fucks with zero guts
  • Fuck off anyone that is just a complete fuckwit be you a Dole Bludging Aussie with 12 kids from 13 different fathers, Whinging Pom, Potato Crunching Paddy, Abo, Kraut, Smackhead, Arrogant Yank, Porn Loving Swede, Currymuncher, Wog, Eskimo or fucken Ganja Smoking Jamaican.

So this is our proposal, and these are a few of our policies. As long as you're not a fuckwit we don't care what colour, race or creed you are, just don't be a fuckwit. It's that simple. Of course that would exclude these PC cunts who want to impose themselves on society, which is good as they are the quintessential examples of fuckwits and therefore ineligible for membership, but more than worthy winners of The Chad Medal. If anyone doesn't like it, well, fuck off.

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