
The Chad Medal is a prestigious medal awarded to the fuckwit of the week. It is named in honour of one of the world's bona fide fuckwits, Chad Cornes. The public are free to nominate anyone they feel is deserving of winning the Chad. Nominations must be submitted by Friday 12pm each week and an esteemed panel of judges decides the winner.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Summer Series Week 13 Winner

It was a close fought contest for The Chad Medal this week, despite the hypocrisy of that weasel cunt Andrew Demetriou using the word unethical to describe someone besides himself he just missed out in favour of Richard Kleinig and Stephen Trigg. Ex-judge and total fuckwit Kleinig wins the Eugene this week for his statement in The Sunday Mail that Eugene McGee's actions in killing Ian Humphrey were negligent not criminal. What is not criminal about running a man down then absconding before the police turn up without making any attempt to see if the poor bastard he ran over was ok. He just left him to die on the side of the road.Add to that his knowledge that he fucked up and his attempts to get his lawyer mates to help him cover his arse both straight after the event and later in the proceedings and that adds up to a criminal cunt of an act to me. If you think anything but the fact that what that piece of shit did was a criminal act you are as disgusting as McGee himself. I'll bet if it was a member of your family who was left to die by a piece of filth you would be screaming blue murder, but since it wasn't you decided to side with your fellow judicial scum. And you wonder why people have lost faith in the system, you are a cunt.
The Chad Medal for this week goes to Stephen Trigg. Over the years he has proven through his footballing career both on and off the field that he is as weak as piss ( no wonder he ended up at Sturt), and two recent incidents have further confirmed that. Firstly the Bernie Vince incident. I shouldn't have even called it an incident, it was nothing that was blown way out of proportion by a dickhead. It was a bloke having two beers and celebrating with a few mates in a private room, he did no harm and didn't cause any angst to anyone other than you Stephen you fuckhead. I, like Laurie Holden am no admirer of Bernie Vince, but what has happened to him after this is complete bullshit, and you Stephen are the cause of the real problem here. You keep pandering to the perception of how you think your club should be portrayed and see what happens to it, you will send it down the shitter with a hail of laughter from outsiders. You've made a mountain out of a mole hill and just made yourself and your club look like a softcock Big Brother.Fucken pathetic. Secondly the Matt Rendell debacle. Anyone that has met Matt Rendell and doesn't have their head buried firmly up their arse are aware that he is not a racist. Unfortunately someone has taken one line from a private conversation he had with some cunt he thought was a mate and made it sound like he was FW DeClerk mixed with Hitler. Everyone has completely gone off the deep end, and what do you do Stephen - you force him to quit, citing that he was making your club seem racist. Funny how you make your club seem like a bunch of PC, arselicking Bob Brown voters but you keep your job. When a player is pinched for racial vilification they get off with counselling and a fine, but Rendell didn't vilify anyone and you forced him out. Or was it you? You tried telling people it was your decision to have words with him but am I the only person that can smell the odour of a greasy dago behind the decision? You won't admit it was Demetriou who forced you into the decision which makes you nothing more than a fucken pissweak lackey and liar in my book. Grow some balls and make your own decisions you cunt, you're an embarrassment, and a pillow, and a more than worthy winner of The Chad Medal.

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