
The Chad Medal is a prestigious medal awarded to the fuckwit of the week. It is named in honour of one of the world's bona fide fuckwits, Chad Cornes. The public are free to nominate anyone they feel is deserving of winning the Chad. Nominations must be submitted by Friday 12pm each week and an esteemed panel of judges decides the winner.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Week 19 Winner

Rule Britannia! Britannia rule the waves. Britons never never never shall be slaves. They are however a country of fuckwits as evidenced by the winners of The Eugene and The Chad Medal this week. The winners of The Eugene are Mick and Maired Philpott, the couple who after losing their six kids in  a house fire went on tv crying and wailing about their loss. However it didn't take long for the coppers to charge the two cunts with murdering them. You fucken animals, lets hope you get what you deserve, death.
The winner of The Chad Medal is Chrissie Swan, that wobble arsed pig who used to be on The Circle. After being a spokesperson for Jenny Craig and dropping 10 kgs ( presumably she was weighed after taking a shit ), Jabba got herself up the duff and went to town, eating enough to feed an African country for 2 years and putting on a shitload of weight. Numbers are sketchy on how much she porked on but if it was anything like what she put on when preggers with her first kid, a fucken lot ( 55 kgs if you don't mind, I've heard of eating for two when you're pregnant, but eating for 8? ). I'll be the first to admit I like eating a bit of crap food and am carrying a few kilos I shouldn't, but fuck me show some self restraint. All the 'good' Jenny Craig did was washed away by a torrent of cholesterol. But she not only has made herself a prime candidate for a heart attack but her eldest, who is 3years old, is 7 kgs overweight. No one doubts she loves her kids but that's fucked. Monkey see, monkey fucken do, if he sees mum gorging what's he going to do? Do what you want to yourself, but you owe it to your kids to give them a chance of growing up healthy. Some kids are a bit pudgy, some aren't but no kid is naturally a fat little fucker, and that's your doing and noone elses. Pull ya finger out ( not out of a pie ) and do the right thing. Take your fucken Chad Medal, you've earned it. And just like the Logie you somehow won,no it's not made out of chocolate so don't try taking off the wrapper.

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