
The Chad Medal is a prestigious medal awarded to the fuckwit of the week. It is named in honour of one of the world's bona fide fuckwits, Chad Cornes. The public are free to nominate anyone they feel is deserving of winning the Chad. Nominations must be submitted by Friday 12pm each week and an esteemed panel of judges decides the winner.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Week 31 Winner

Graffiti as defined by is as follows - " term applied to an an arrangement of institutionally illicit marks in which there has been an attempt to establish some sort of coherent composition: such marks are made by an individual or individuals ( not generally professional artists ) on a wall or other surface that is usually visually accessible to the public.
Graffiti as defined by The Editor of The Chad Medal is as follows - a term that can be applied to a collection of generally illegible fucking scribble in which there has been an attempt to establish that the offending fuckwit is a complete cockhead with no consideration for others or their property. Such marks are made by a fuckhead or fuckheads ( not generally with more than two fucking brain cells ) on a wall or any other surface which they deem perfectly fine to deface and is usually done to be visible to the public to prove what a fucking dildo the author is.
And so on to our winner of this weeks Chad Medal. It was impossible to separate two nominees, Ryan Smith and his deadshit mates. In case you've been living under a rock ( which coincidentally is where young Ryan came from and returned to ) Ryan Smith is the 17 year old dumbfuck who thought it would be a cracking idea to climb along a narrow ledge on a bridge over the southern expressway and attempt to leave his mark, or tag. Unfortunately for the pinhead in question he slipped like Julia Gillard answering a carbon tax question and went fucken splat onto the rocks 15m below. His mates, who make two short planks look like a fucken computer, then decided it would be an even better idea to pay tribute to the dumbfuck by tagging the exact same spot he went FUCKEN BANG attempting to deface the day before. Now these little cunts can argue till they're blue in the face about the merits of graffiti and how it is an art, you're full of fucken shit it's nothing but vandalism.
This graffiti bullshit costs local councils Australia wide around $260 million each year. Yeah that's right, $260 million. Whenever you're having a look round your local area thinking " jesus this looks like it could do with a coat of paint " or " fuck me that pothole is big enough to fit Scott Cummings in it " have a fucken think that these cockheads are taking away the money that could be fixing such problems by trying to prove themselves a hero to a bunch of fucking shitheads by putting their mark on our fucking property. Yeah that's right, OUR FUCKING PROPERTY. Do you pay council rates, I fucken do and the cunts aren't decreasing, it pisses me off, and it fucken should everyone else to walk down the street and and see that some feral little cunt has thought it's cool to spray paint some fucking crap on a wall, street sign or fence. They might argue that it's art, or they're trying to express themselves, well fuck you, it's not art to paint 'remark' or 'pig' or whatever fucken code names these cock heads decide to use to blow smoke up their own arses on public or private property. You are deadshit scum, if you really wanted to show that you're an artist, pick up a paint brush and put something on a canvas, not on my local fucken library.
So people may weep for this little cunt, not me. I feel sorry for his family for having to deal with this tragedy, but for Ryan himself I say fuck you. Call me heartless if you like, I don't give a tinkers shit, this little prick pegged it trying to cause more grief for thousands of other people just to get a cheap thrill. What grief you may say, how about increased taxes and council rates for those people who work hard and are on the bones of their arse trying to make ends meet, cunts like this kid and his fucking retarded mates are just making it harder. And don't give me the old "it was peer pressure that made him do it", grow a fucken backbone and tell them to get fucked. You know what the cops should've done, greased up the ledge he fell off so when his dropkick mates went to 'pay their respects' by further defacing public property, they would've met the same fate, FUCKEN BANG, there's your tax dollars at work.
So Ryan Smith and his cronies have won this weeks Chad Medal, cry for him all you want but he knew the risks, take the penalty. And for his mates who thought it wise to re-enact his attempt, he's no hero, he's a fuckwit who went splat because he was a dickhead,grow up you fucken wankers.

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