
The Chad Medal is a prestigious medal awarded to the fuckwit of the week. It is named in honour of one of the world's bona fide fuckwits, Chad Cornes. The public are free to nominate anyone they feel is deserving of winning the Chad. Nominations must be submitted by Friday 12pm each week and an esteemed panel of judges decides the winner.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Week 36 Winner

The winner of The Chad Medal this week is those fucken pandas Wangchung and Punani. These lazy fucken mooches have done fuck all since they arrived at Adelaide Zoo but eat, sleep, shit, and sit on their fat arses. The cost of housing these hairy Pat Conlons has been ridiculous, special enclosures needing to be built, having to get bamboo from every orifice to feed the greedy cunts, having to listen to Mike Rann crap on about how good it is to have them here, they're as big a waste of space as a tackling bag at Sturt. And again I say what have they done, I'll tell you FUCK ALL. At least the monkeys swing around in a tree and scratch their own arses, fuck me even the sloths go to the effort of hanging from a fucken tree, but old Halfstung and Tooheys just sit on their arses, doing fucken nothing waiting for a handout like a Port Adelaide administrator. The government and zoo officials have been spruiking how many tourism dollars they've brought in to the state, just a pity housing the cunts has the zoo about $25 million in the fucken can. Fucken bonza, what other white elephants do you fucknuts want to invest in ( and for fucksake don't say a white elephant ). So they've done fucken nothing, and on the only chance they get to have a root for the year they did ....... nothing. Remember when they first got to the zoo and ya had to pay extra to see em do fuck all, well these days you get free entry to see the fuckers on the back of shopadockets. Fucken pandas, they are the laziest animal on earth, I'll bet that only mating a few days a year story is fucken bullshit as well ,they just can't be bothered the lazy cunts. They are the squatters, the dole bludgers, the moochers, the out and out lazy fuckers of the animal kingdom and it's about time the other neglected zoo animals took out retribution on them. Imagine being a simple little meerkat, looking at the five star treatment dished out to these pricks whilst the best they get is some dirt and a fucken rock to stand/sleep/shit/root on. You'd be fucken dirty wouldn't you. I'd like to see ten of these meerkats get out one night, pick up a toucan each and hoe into the cunts, and you know what, the pandas would still do fucken nothing, just chew bamboo whilst the cunt from the fruitloops box gets embedded in their head.
So Poontang and Hong Kong Phooey have won The Chad Medal this week. Time to go and get a fucken job you lazy pricks, or we're gonna deport you.

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