The winner of week 20 of The Chad Medal is American tourists. They're loud, obnoxious, full of shit, and full of their own self importance. And that's just in their day to day lives. Have you ever been near these fuckwits when you've been on holiday? If you have you'll know what I mean when I say it's about as enjoyable as watching The View on tv with the volume blaring.
For fucksake, the rest of the world knows they've got them by the knackers militarily ( or do they? Is it all bluff and bullshit? The Chinese would fuck them up if it came down to a one on one stoush ), they don't need these arsenuts telling them constantly how fucking good they think they are. It's funny though, the dickheads that most extoll the virtues of the USA USA ( ahhh shut the fuck up ) on holiday are usually the fattest, loudest, stinkiest, most - my ma and pa were brother and sister but it didn't affect me none - fuckers you would ever want to meet. So what propaganda are they really peddling, someone in our country could blow you up, but we'll never get to see it because we'll die of fucking heart disease and inbred genetic defects by the time we're 40. Go to any tourist resort and ask the people who work there and the other visitors who gives them the shits the most and I'll bet ya more often than not it's the fucken yanks. Most people on holiday like to quietly rest and relax. these fuckwits think it's great to sit 20m from each other and squeal like wild fucking pigs at each other about fucking nothing. How about you discuss in a calm, rational manner about some of the things that make America the nation it is today - high unemployment, racial tension, incompetent economic mismanagement, political buffoonery infidelity and corruption, morbid obesity and rampant,ignorant stupidity.
So American tourists win this installment of The Chad Medal this week. They are loudmouthed dumb cunts,more genetically defective than even Port supporters, take your award and shut the fuck up for christs sake.
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