There was no need for any nominations this week. In the words of the inimitable Sean Connery from the movie Highlander, there can be only one. And there can be only one true winner of this weeks Chad. That person is Ricky L Nixon, substandard footballer, sleazy player agent, dirty prick.
From 1983-1993 Nixon graced the football field for a total of 63 Cameron Cloke standard games for Carlton, St Kilda and Hawthorn. The most memorable part of Nixon's playing career was having a permed mullet that looked like a merino sheep.
In 1994 Nixon started the Flying Start Agency where he made a lot of money managing players such as Jason Dunstall, Tony Lockett, and Garry Lyon. He also provided sage life advice for such cleanskins as Wayne Carey, Gary Ablett Snr and Ben Cousins. We should have seen it coming shouldn't we? He also provided online education through such courses as 'How to be a Sports Agent' and received an Australia Day Award for services to sport. Reputedly he's up for another award this year for his dedication to youth services,or servicing a youth, can't remember which.
As time went by and Ricky's minions took his ideas and pissed off to create their own businesses and take his clients, Ricky hit the piss and undertook the Charlie Sheen diet regime in a bid to forget all his troubles. Unfortunately quite the opposite happened, in 2009 Ricky ended up in court for getting pissed and ploughing into a tram and then leaving the scene of the accident. After remonstrating with a passenger he was overheard saying "you'd think I'd killed a busload of nuns". The cunt's good at running away isn't he? In 2010 he was rushed to hospital after collapsing with "pneumonia". A colleague could not confirm reports Nixon had collapsed after taking sleeping tablets, probably because he was unsure if it was the sleeping tablets or the bag of blow he'd snorted.
And last, but certainly not least, in 2011 Ricky has got himself neck deep in shit with accusations he had a) had sex with the 17 year old fruitloop who Sam Gilbert and anyone with a knob has gone through and b) that he supplied her with alcohol and drugs. Ricky has admitted to visiting her hotel room 3 times ( including once on valentines day - nobody could accuse him of not being a romantic), taking her alcohol, and having " inappropriate dealings " with her but he claims "I never had sex with her ". So what have been doing with her Ricky - playing fucking Ludo? You stupid fuckwit,at least we know what the L stands for in your name, LIAR. You would have been better off coming clean and facing the music, but just like the drink driving incident you ran away like a Sturt player near a hard contest. Why do you think Ireland's the best place to go, they fucking hate you, you're well known there as a "prick" and "the antichrist" for trying to pinch the best Gaelic players.
So Ricky, you are undoubtedly the most deserved winner of this weeks Chad Medal. I leave you with a quote from Nixon from some time back which shows that maybe the cunt should follow his own advice - "When a player makes a mistake, the first thing you do is you've got to understand your mistake and you've got to apologise for it . . . . you've got to tell the truth".
The Chad Medal is a prestigious medal awarded to the fuckwit of the week. It is named in honour of one of the world's bona fide fuckwits, Chad Cornes. The public are free to nominate anyone they feel is deserving of winning the Chad. Nominations must be submitted by Friday 12pm each week and an esteemed panel of judges decides the winner.

Saturday, February 26, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Round 3 Winner
The winner of The Chad Medal for round 3 is males who wax their body.Unless it is to improve performance in a sport eg.swimming why the fuck would you. According to a website which specialises in this demasculanisation( not sure if that's actually a word but fuck it) of males,some choose to do this to satisfy their own self image or to please a partner. If your self image is that fucked up you feel the need to make yourself look like a twelve year old who's nads haven't dropped yet,you don't need a wax,you need a fucking bullet.Enhances sensory pleasure, so apparently does getting a bolt through your dick but why the fuck would you do that either.This is all a result of this metrosexual bullshit that is turning males worldwide into fucking pillows.Did you know that for $75 you can get someone to wax your scrotum,penis,base of penis shaft,perenial strip and arse crack? Neither did I and reading it nearly made me fucken spew.$75 can buy you a good arvo at the pub,a few beers,a decent counter meal and a couple of bets.Now which would you prefer? For all you sad pricks who indulge in this garbage, cut it out for fucksake,you are embarrassing the male species and are worthy winners of this weeks Chad.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Round 3 Nominees
SA Department of Transport - for their exemplary maintenance of the tram system. The air conditioners don't work and they've resorted to writing speeds on the speedometer because they don't fucking work either.
Men who wax their bodies - unless you're a cyclist/swimmer or the like where it provides a performance edge,you're a self indulgent fucken ponce. And further to argue against this ridiculous trend you need to look no further than WWF's George 'The Animal' Steele. He was as hairy as chewbacca but he remained at the top for years. Ditto Venus Williams.
Christopher Pyne - "The only people I want to annoy are the Labor party". Well you've fucked up there sunshine, you're a smarmy,mincing little poof who's annoyed Labor and Liberal voters. Greens are undecided as their leader makes Christopher Pyne look like Angry Anderson.Ever seen Bob Brown and former test umpire Steve 'if I give you a mintie can I fiddle with your arse'Randell in the same room together?
The Bronx Zoo - for selling the naming rights of their Madagascar hissing cockroaches as Valentines Day gifts. Fair dinkum, besides Matthew Newton who's going to think that's an appropriate gift?
20/20 cricket - not only is 20/20 bastardising the game, it is now mocking it by trying to Americanise it and turn it into as one scribe put it "Gangsta style".It is bad enough that this format of the game has extended the careers of duds such as Ian Harvey.Other ludicrous suggestions to fuck it up even further are to make the domestic teams wear lime green and pink uniforms.What the fuck, who's sponsoring the next installment - fruit tingles?
Tony Armstrong - Crows pillow who seems to think that he is God's gift to the world despite having displayed all the footballing talent of John Rombotis. Hey Tony when does the next bus leave?
The AFL rules committee - for their constant interference with the rules of the game. You don't need to change the rules every year just to justify your salaries, just give the umpires a chance to get the original rules right you fuckwits. Last to touch the ball before it goes out of bounds gets pinged for a free kick, to quote Jim Royle - "my arse".
Julia Gillard's make up artist - who's the Picasso responsible for pencilling in her eyebrows, Mr. Squiggle? It would be rather apt if this was true as their noses are dead ringers for each other. Bill Shorten is a bloody good match for Bill the blackboard too.
Celebrity Gays/Lesbians who think it's chic to adopt a child - why do such luminary rug munchers and Pooshute pirates as Doogie Howser, the ranga from Sex and the City and Elton John seem to think this is the latest great accessory to cart around.The poor bloody kids are going to grow up watching nothing but Will And Grace and Ellen and listening to Candle in The Wind ad fucking nauseum.
The SA redbacks - the Washington Generals of Australian cricket. The district system is a joke,hence there are fuck all decent players being produced. As a result SA has taken to importing predominantly 2nd rate shit players from interstate who haven't made the grade with their native states ( remember Alan Wise anybody?), and are as likely to make it in first class cricket as Kane Cornes is to complete an interview without drowning the interviewer.Yeah they won the KFC family bucket ( woo fucken hoo) but they're on the bones of their arse in the 50 over comp and are fucken rusted to the bottom of the Sheffield Shield table.Hey Jamie Cox, Harvey Jolly do you stupid cunts remember the Sheffield Shield? That's the comp the selectors ( hey that's you Jamie you dickhead) choose the test team from not the domestic version of back yard cricket.Got a name for the SA franchise next year you ignorant dumbfucks - The SA Claytons - it's the cricket team that's not really a cricket team.
Shanta Sreesanth - the petulant little weasel who was once slapped by Harbajhan Singh and cried once again proved his Chadness by acting like a complete fuckwit in the recent World Cup warm up game against Australia. After a verbal stoush with Ricky Ponting Sreesanth outdid his normal liarliar pants on fire taunt by holding his hand up to his forehead in an L shape as if to signify Ponting was a loser. This coming from someone who wears a headband trying to imitate Dennis Lillee but looks more akin to Olivia Newton John.
Barnaby Joyce - drove his $95,000 Landrover into NSW floodwaters then got stuck,scratch one tax payer funded $95,000 Landrover. Landrovers are not amphibious vehicles fuckwit.
Telstra - axing 114 call centre jobs from jobs Moe and relocating most of the jobs to the Phillipines. This is Australia calling - from fucking where cunts.
Peter Costello - The former Federal Treasurer,former no.1 ticket holder at Essendon, and constant runner up in the Federal Liberal leadership race ( he's the Glenelg of the Liberal party) has earned his nomination by launching a tirade at Afl players and clubs by inferring they only do community work to promote themselves and their clubs. He also went on to state that 1) parents would "quake in fear"at the thought of players visiting their daughter's school ( only if they play for St Kilda fucknut) 2) footballers are not chosen for their moral principles ( and politicians are?) and 3) "what are the clubs thinking when they send them to schools to give guidance on life skills" ( so what would you suggest, send a miserable,bitter old cunt who was born with a silver spoon up his arse instead?)
Men who wax their bodies - unless you're a cyclist/swimmer or the like where it provides a performance edge,you're a self indulgent fucken ponce. And further to argue against this ridiculous trend you need to look no further than WWF's George 'The Animal' Steele. He was as hairy as chewbacca but he remained at the top for years. Ditto Venus Williams.
Christopher Pyne - "The only people I want to annoy are the Labor party". Well you've fucked up there sunshine, you're a smarmy,mincing little poof who's annoyed Labor and Liberal voters. Greens are undecided as their leader makes Christopher Pyne look like Angry Anderson.Ever seen Bob Brown and former test umpire Steve 'if I give you a mintie can I fiddle with your arse'Randell in the same room together?
The Bronx Zoo - for selling the naming rights of their Madagascar hissing cockroaches as Valentines Day gifts. Fair dinkum, besides Matthew Newton who's going to think that's an appropriate gift?
20/20 cricket - not only is 20/20 bastardising the game, it is now mocking it by trying to Americanise it and turn it into as one scribe put it "Gangsta style".It is bad enough that this format of the game has extended the careers of duds such as Ian Harvey.Other ludicrous suggestions to fuck it up even further are to make the domestic teams wear lime green and pink uniforms.What the fuck, who's sponsoring the next installment - fruit tingles?
Tony Armstrong - Crows pillow who seems to think that he is God's gift to the world despite having displayed all the footballing talent of John Rombotis. Hey Tony when does the next bus leave?
The AFL rules committee - for their constant interference with the rules of the game. You don't need to change the rules every year just to justify your salaries, just give the umpires a chance to get the original rules right you fuckwits. Last to touch the ball before it goes out of bounds gets pinged for a free kick, to quote Jim Royle - "my arse".
Julia Gillard's make up artist - who's the Picasso responsible for pencilling in her eyebrows, Mr. Squiggle? It would be rather apt if this was true as their noses are dead ringers for each other. Bill Shorten is a bloody good match for Bill the blackboard too.
Celebrity Gays/Lesbians who think it's chic to adopt a child - why do such luminary rug munchers and Pooshute pirates as Doogie Howser, the ranga from Sex and the City and Elton John seem to think this is the latest great accessory to cart around.The poor bloody kids are going to grow up watching nothing but Will And Grace and Ellen and listening to Candle in The Wind ad fucking nauseum.
The SA redbacks - the Washington Generals of Australian cricket. The district system is a joke,hence there are fuck all decent players being produced. As a result SA has taken to importing predominantly 2nd rate shit players from interstate who haven't made the grade with their native states ( remember Alan Wise anybody?), and are as likely to make it in first class cricket as Kane Cornes is to complete an interview without drowning the interviewer.Yeah they won the KFC family bucket ( woo fucken hoo) but they're on the bones of their arse in the 50 over comp and are fucken rusted to the bottom of the Sheffield Shield table.Hey Jamie Cox, Harvey Jolly do you stupid cunts remember the Sheffield Shield? That's the comp the selectors ( hey that's you Jamie you dickhead) choose the test team from not the domestic version of back yard cricket.Got a name for the SA franchise next year you ignorant dumbfucks - The SA Claytons - it's the cricket team that's not really a cricket team.
Shanta Sreesanth - the petulant little weasel who was once slapped by Harbajhan Singh and cried once again proved his Chadness by acting like a complete fuckwit in the recent World Cup warm up game against Australia. After a verbal stoush with Ricky Ponting Sreesanth outdid his normal liarliar pants on fire taunt by holding his hand up to his forehead in an L shape as if to signify Ponting was a loser. This coming from someone who wears a headband trying to imitate Dennis Lillee but looks more akin to Olivia Newton John.
Barnaby Joyce - drove his $95,000 Landrover into NSW floodwaters then got stuck,scratch one tax payer funded $95,000 Landrover. Landrovers are not amphibious vehicles fuckwit.
Telstra - axing 114 call centre jobs from jobs Moe and relocating most of the jobs to the Phillipines. This is Australia calling - from fucking where cunts.
Peter Costello - The former Federal Treasurer,former no.1 ticket holder at Essendon, and constant runner up in the Federal Liberal leadership race ( he's the Glenelg of the Liberal party) has earned his nomination by launching a tirade at Afl players and clubs by inferring they only do community work to promote themselves and their clubs. He also went on to state that 1) parents would "quake in fear"at the thought of players visiting their daughter's school ( only if they play for St Kilda fucknut) 2) footballers are not chosen for their moral principles ( and politicians are?) and 3) "what are the clubs thinking when they send them to schools to give guidance on life skills" ( so what would you suggest, send a miserable,bitter old cunt who was born with a silver spoon up his arse instead?)
Friday, February 11, 2011
Round 2 Winner
The finalists of this weeks Chad award provided us with an interesting contrast. Firstly we had Graham Studley 'I'm a fucken hypocrite' Cornes with his verbal excrement about the cowardice of SANFL teams not competing in the Foxtel Cup, which is purely an exercise to fill the gap between Saturday afternoon AFL and Saturday night AFL and a vehicle to promote the Grogan Western Sydney team. Also skeletor decide it was prudent to verbally excrete vitriol upon the teams who have taken the names of their main sponsors for their ovals whilst conveniently forgetting his former team Glenelg team have done exactly the same thing. Yes, Gliderol oval has been the spiritual home of the bays since 1925 hasn't it you fuckwit.
Matthew Newton has provided us with plenty of comedy value over the last couple of years through his ability to constantly fuck up, be it get pissed and whack his missus or stalk her through the power of technology.
But, by a unanimous decision, this weeks Chad award has gone to channel 7 'reporter' Mark Riley.Mark decided it would be a great PR exercise to take a comment made by opposition leader Tony Abbott about the conflict which resulted in the death an Australian soldier in Afghanistan and turn it into a personal attack.What Tony Abbott was actually doing was addressing complaints made in an email that Australian troops were not backed by adequate firepower in a battle in which Lance Corporal Jared MacKinney was killed in August last year.
After listening to the US officer explain that the troops were well supported,Abbott remarked "sometimes shit happens". Whatever one's political inclination, it could not be argued that this was nothing more than an Australian citizen trying to empathise with comrades of the fallen soldier, and by no means either a political stunt or an exercise in poor taste. How would you have wanted him to respond Mark? Like Julia Gillard and Anna Bligh after the Qld floods he did nothing more than show a dose of humanity and human decency, something which you apparently lack. So therefore you are a worthy winner of the Chad, you are a piece of shit and a disgrace to this nation.
Matthew Newton has provided us with plenty of comedy value over the last couple of years through his ability to constantly fuck up, be it get pissed and whack his missus or stalk her through the power of technology.
But, by a unanimous decision, this weeks Chad award has gone to channel 7 'reporter' Mark Riley.Mark decided it would be a great PR exercise to take a comment made by opposition leader Tony Abbott about the conflict which resulted in the death an Australian soldier in Afghanistan and turn it into a personal attack.What Tony Abbott was actually doing was addressing complaints made in an email that Australian troops were not backed by adequate firepower in a battle in which Lance Corporal Jared MacKinney was killed in August last year.
After listening to the US officer explain that the troops were well supported,Abbott remarked "sometimes shit happens". Whatever one's political inclination, it could not be argued that this was nothing more than an Australian citizen trying to empathise with comrades of the fallen soldier, and by no means either a political stunt or an exercise in poor taste. How would you have wanted him to respond Mark? Like Julia Gillard and Anna Bligh after the Qld floods he did nothing more than show a dose of humanity and human decency, something which you apparently lack. So therefore you are a worthy winner of the Chad, you are a piece of shit and a disgrace to this nation.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Round 2 Nominees
The SA State Goverment - for planning to sell off SA's forestry rights.Have you halfwits learnt nothing from the vast collection of John Olsen fuckups?
Tony Abbott - for his plan to accrue 2 million dollars for the flood and cyclone reconstruction program through spending cuts. Some plausible ideas, as long as you don't live in Sth Australia.
The Department of Motor Vehicles - for attempting to justify their decision not to take away the drivers license of a one eyed man who drives like Graham Johncock. In the years 2000-2006 Neil Spooner was involved in six crashes, one which resulted in resulted in the death of an innocent motorist. Since that date he has been involved in another six crashes. The department was not even aware of Spooner's driving record until alerted by the deceased's family.
Simone Bienne - British sex and relationship 'expert' who believes that women derive as much pleasure from a meal with the girls as a night of passion with a man. Any bet she's a pig who stuffs her face with ferrero roches whilst watching the view?
The Farmer Wants a Wife - sorry didn't catch the title, was that 'The farmer wants to root something he doesn't have to shear'
Sarah Carter - died from food poisoning after eating toxic seaweed at a northern Thai food market.Rule of thumb - if it's glowing green it ain't fucking clean.
The German bloke who tried to affix a sign to a motorway bridge to mark the 10th anniversary of his relationship but slipped and fell to his death.Red Hot Chili Peppers will be singing 'under the bridge' at the funeral
Mattel - for asking the public to vote on whether Barbie and Ken should reunite after 7 years apart. They're plastic fucken dolls, end of conversation you dickheads.
Grace Guajardo - Chilean woman who phoned in a false bomb threat to Santiago airport to keep her boyfriend ( who looks like a fat,sunburnt Joe Pesci) from flying off to new job as a cruise ship waiter in Madrid.Her excuse was "I'm sorry I did it for love". Prosecutors decided not to invoke anti terrorism laws against her after hearing her story but have charged her under anti taco munching fuckwit laws.
Mark Riley - ch7 gutter journalistic hack who had a crack at Tony Abbott for saying "shit happens" when discussing the situation in Afghanistan where a digger was killed. This fuckwit has tried to sensationalise a comment which was neither making light of the situation nor showing disrespect to the soldier in question.
Matthew Newton - what a fuckwit, Matthew struck again ( not literally this time) this week by breaching an AVO by contacting his ex missus after seeing a picture of her with her new bloke.
Graham Cornes - you can see where Chad gets it from. Cornes snr this week has endeared himself to noone again by claiming that 1) that the 5 SANFL clubs who refused to participate in the sham that is the foxtel cup are cowardly and 2) for having a crack at teams who take on sponsors names for their ovals. Conveniently he seems to think Glenelg 'Gliderol' Oval is ok though. If ever there's been a family that's been a more apt posterchild for condom usage I haven't seen them.
Neil Spooner - the geriatric blind old prick who has had 12 accidents in the last 10 years claims that most of them weren't his fault but that of other motorists. Yeah righto and Mike Rann didn't nail Michelle Chantelois either you piss stained old crone.
Bernard Finnigin - There was a fat cunt called Bernard Finnigin
He had a 15 kilo chinnigin
He collapsed his Senate chair in again
Your ate all the pies Mr. Finnigin
Kevin Foley - knowing he was going to get shitcanned as Deputy Leader of the ALP - which these days is as reputable a title as second mate on the Titanic - Roly Poly did what any good and decent politician would do, he fucked off to the US for 3 weeks on a tax payer funded pissup.He then returned, and after serious consideration ( 15 scotches and a 20yr old blonde) he did the honorable ( hahahahahaha) thing and resigned.
Mike Hussey - for squealing like a pig because the Australian Selectors didn't pick in the World Cup squad despite having a hamstring that looked like shredded ham.You selfish cunt,if you had done the honorable (hahahaha) thing like Roly Poly Foley you would have withdrawn.
5AA - for subjecting the Adelaide sporting public to the dribbling shit that is the skeletor and wowey show. The claim that they're the leading sports show in SA is a crock as they're the only fucking sports show on the radio in primetime. If that's a valid staement then Robert Mugabe would justifiably be able to say he's the best leader Zimbabwe's had in the last 30 years too. Bring back SEN.
Tony Abbott - for his plan to accrue 2 million dollars for the flood and cyclone reconstruction program through spending cuts. Some plausible ideas, as long as you don't live in Sth Australia.
The Department of Motor Vehicles - for attempting to justify their decision not to take away the drivers license of a one eyed man who drives like Graham Johncock. In the years 2000-2006 Neil Spooner was involved in six crashes, one which resulted in resulted in the death of an innocent motorist. Since that date he has been involved in another six crashes. The department was not even aware of Spooner's driving record until alerted by the deceased's family.
Simone Bienne - British sex and relationship 'expert' who believes that women derive as much pleasure from a meal with the girls as a night of passion with a man. Any bet she's a pig who stuffs her face with ferrero roches whilst watching the view?
The Farmer Wants a Wife - sorry didn't catch the title, was that 'The farmer wants to root something he doesn't have to shear'
Sarah Carter - died from food poisoning after eating toxic seaweed at a northern Thai food market.Rule of thumb - if it's glowing green it ain't fucking clean.
The German bloke who tried to affix a sign to a motorway bridge to mark the 10th anniversary of his relationship but slipped and fell to his death.Red Hot Chili Peppers will be singing 'under the bridge' at the funeral
Mattel - for asking the public to vote on whether Barbie and Ken should reunite after 7 years apart. They're plastic fucken dolls, end of conversation you dickheads.
Grace Guajardo - Chilean woman who phoned in a false bomb threat to Santiago airport to keep her boyfriend ( who looks like a fat,sunburnt Joe Pesci) from flying off to new job as a cruise ship waiter in Madrid.Her excuse was "I'm sorry I did it for love". Prosecutors decided not to invoke anti terrorism laws against her after hearing her story but have charged her under anti taco munching fuckwit laws.
Mark Riley - ch7 gutter journalistic hack who had a crack at Tony Abbott for saying "shit happens" when discussing the situation in Afghanistan where a digger was killed. This fuckwit has tried to sensationalise a comment which was neither making light of the situation nor showing disrespect to the soldier in question.
Matthew Newton - what a fuckwit, Matthew struck again ( not literally this time) this week by breaching an AVO by contacting his ex missus after seeing a picture of her with her new bloke.
Graham Cornes - you can see where Chad gets it from. Cornes snr this week has endeared himself to noone again by claiming that 1) that the 5 SANFL clubs who refused to participate in the sham that is the foxtel cup are cowardly and 2) for having a crack at teams who take on sponsors names for their ovals. Conveniently he seems to think Glenelg 'Gliderol' Oval is ok though. If ever there's been a family that's been a more apt posterchild for condom usage I haven't seen them.
Neil Spooner - the geriatric blind old prick who has had 12 accidents in the last 10 years claims that most of them weren't his fault but that of other motorists. Yeah righto and Mike Rann didn't nail Michelle Chantelois either you piss stained old crone.
Bernard Finnigin - There was a fat cunt called Bernard Finnigin
He had a 15 kilo chinnigin
He collapsed his Senate chair in again
Your ate all the pies Mr. Finnigin
Kevin Foley - knowing he was going to get shitcanned as Deputy Leader of the ALP - which these days is as reputable a title as second mate on the Titanic - Roly Poly did what any good and decent politician would do, he fucked off to the US for 3 weeks on a tax payer funded pissup.He then returned, and after serious consideration ( 15 scotches and a 20yr old blonde) he did the honorable ( hahahahahaha) thing and resigned.
Mike Hussey - for squealing like a pig because the Australian Selectors didn't pick in the World Cup squad despite having a hamstring that looked like shredded ham.You selfish cunt,if you had done the honorable (hahahaha) thing like Roly Poly Foley you would have withdrawn.
5AA - for subjecting the Adelaide sporting public to the dribbling shit that is the skeletor and wowey show. The claim that they're the leading sports show in SA is a crock as they're the only fucking sports show on the radio in primetime. If that's a valid staement then Robert Mugabe would justifiably be able to say he's the best leader Zimbabwe's had in the last 30 years too. Bring back SEN.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Round 1 Winner
The first weekly winner of this series of The Chad Medal by unanimous verdict is Kevin Muscat.Lets take a trip down memory lane to see the sort of efforts that have resulted in him winning.
Muscat was dubbed the "most hated man in football " by then Birmingham City player Martin Grainger in 2000. He seriously injured both Welsh twat Craig Bellamy and French softcock Christophe Dugarry ( who granted are both fucking pillows and probably deserving of a flogging),the latter in a "friendly" international between Australia and France in 2001 with a sliding tackle from behind.Being French, Dugarry's first response at being attacked was to surrender,the second was to try to find the shattered fragments of his knee. The French manager Roger Lemerre dubbed the tackle "an act of brutality".
In 2004, a lawsuit on Muscat brought by former Charlton Athletic player Matty Holmes resulted in a settlement of 250,000 pounds plus costs in favour of Holmes, bringing the estimated settlement to around 750,000 pounds. Holmes had to have four operations on his leg following a tackle by Muscat in 1998, and there were initial fears that his leg might have to amputated.The claim was settled at the High Court without Muscat admitting any liability for being a filthy cunt. In a League Cup tie while at Millwall , he grabbed the throat of Liverpool striker Milan Baros. Also in 2004, Iwan Roberts admitted he deliberately stamped on Muscat in a match against Norwich City in revenge for his attempt to injure Craig Bellamy in 1999. Roberts was subsequently fined and suspended by the Football Association for his comments. However later both the fine and suspension were rescinded due to the fact the recipient of the stamping was a sociopathic meathead, and Roberts was awarded a well earned OBE for services to sport.
In December 2005, he was the first A-League player to appear before the FFA disciplinary hearing and was subsequently suspended for two matches for "violent conduct". At an A-League game in October 2006 Muscat clashed with then Adelaide United coach John Kosmina, knocking Kosmina from his chair and stabbing him 20 times with a shiv concealed in his sock while retrieving the ball. Kosmina responded by grabbing Muscat by the throat,an action for which Kosmina later received both a four week suspension and the key to the city of Adelaide.
In October 2010, Aston Villa winger Ashley Young recalled he was threatened by Muscat during his first professional match as an 18 year old. " Kevin Muscat said he would break my legs if I went past him " said Young. Their meeting occurred as they were warming up for an encounter between Watford F.C. and Millwall back in September 2003, but not surprisingly Muscat was sent off before Young came on as a substitute for Watford.
And last, but certainly not least, in January 2011 Muscat was suspended for eight matches following a tackle on Melbourne Heart player Adrian Zahra in an A-League fixture. The tackle was widely condemned in Australia and around the world, with former Socceroo Mark "Charlie Sheen" Bosnich calling it a disgrace.The Sun described it as one of the worst tackles in football history and said Muscat is one of the world's dirtiest footballers. Even Vinnie Jones said "oooh fuck me" when viewing the footage.
So after a career of being a sadistic fucking lunatic there is little more to say than Kevin Muscat you are a worthy winner of this week's Chad. Some may reflect on your career as that of a hard, tough player, but the majority will agree with former England striker Ian Wright when he described you as little more than a lowlife and a nobody.
Muscat was dubbed the "most hated man in football " by then Birmingham City player Martin Grainger in 2000. He seriously injured both Welsh twat Craig Bellamy and French softcock Christophe Dugarry ( who granted are both fucking pillows and probably deserving of a flogging),the latter in a "friendly" international between Australia and France in 2001 with a sliding tackle from behind.Being French, Dugarry's first response at being attacked was to surrender,the second was to try to find the shattered fragments of his knee. The French manager Roger Lemerre dubbed the tackle "an act of brutality".
In 2004, a lawsuit on Muscat brought by former Charlton Athletic player Matty Holmes resulted in a settlement of 250,000 pounds plus costs in favour of Holmes, bringing the estimated settlement to around 750,000 pounds. Holmes had to have four operations on his leg following a tackle by Muscat in 1998, and there were initial fears that his leg might have to amputated.The claim was settled at the High Court without Muscat admitting any liability for being a filthy cunt. In a League Cup tie while at Millwall , he grabbed the throat of Liverpool striker Milan Baros. Also in 2004, Iwan Roberts admitted he deliberately stamped on Muscat in a match against Norwich City in revenge for his attempt to injure Craig Bellamy in 1999. Roberts was subsequently fined and suspended by the Football Association for his comments. However later both the fine and suspension were rescinded due to the fact the recipient of the stamping was a sociopathic meathead, and Roberts was awarded a well earned OBE for services to sport.
In December 2005, he was the first A-League player to appear before the FFA disciplinary hearing and was subsequently suspended for two matches for "violent conduct". At an A-League game in October 2006 Muscat clashed with then Adelaide United coach John Kosmina, knocking Kosmina from his chair and stabbing him 20 times with a shiv concealed in his sock while retrieving the ball. Kosmina responded by grabbing Muscat by the throat,an action for which Kosmina later received both a four week suspension and the key to the city of Adelaide.
In October 2010, Aston Villa winger Ashley Young recalled he was threatened by Muscat during his first professional match as an 18 year old. " Kevin Muscat said he would break my legs if I went past him " said Young. Their meeting occurred as they were warming up for an encounter between Watford F.C. and Millwall back in September 2003, but not surprisingly Muscat was sent off before Young came on as a substitute for Watford.
And last, but certainly not least, in January 2011 Muscat was suspended for eight matches following a tackle on Melbourne Heart player Adrian Zahra in an A-League fixture. The tackle was widely condemned in Australia and around the world, with former Socceroo Mark "Charlie Sheen" Bosnich calling it a disgrace.The Sun described it as one of the worst tackles in football history and said Muscat is one of the world's dirtiest footballers. Even Vinnie Jones said "oooh fuck me" when viewing the footage.
So after a career of being a sadistic fucking lunatic there is little more to say than Kevin Muscat you are a worthy winner of this week's Chad. Some may reflect on your career as that of a hard, tough player, but the majority will agree with former England striker Ian Wright when he described you as little more than a lowlife and a nobody.
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